Saturday 26 February 2022

HTML document for Email Hyperlink using anchor tag


Code :

<!doctype html>



       <title>Creating Email hyperlink</title>



       <h1>HTML Email Tag (mailto: ) :</h1>


       HTML &#60a&#62 tag provides you option to specify an email address to send an email. While using &#60a&#62 tag as an email tag, you will use <b>malto: email addresss</b> along with <i>href</i> attribute. Following is the syntax of using <b>mailto</b> instead of using http.


       <p><b>Syntax :</b><br><br>

         &#60a href = &#34mailto: &#62Send Email&#60/a&#62 



        Now, if a user clicks this link, it launches one Email Client (like Lotus Notes, Outlook Express etc.) installed on your user's computer then it would not be possible to send email.



       <p><b>Example :</b></p>

       <p>click below link to send mail,<br>

       <a href="mailto:"><tt>" Write Mail To Me!</tt></a> 



Web View :

Come again Learn again !

< iCodeBuzz />

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