Saturday 26 February 2022

HTML document for Form Tag


Code :

<!doctype html>



       <title>Form Tag</title>




              //margin-top: o%;

              margin-left: 30%;






       <h1>Form Tag In HTML :</h1>


         A form is made up of fields or controls, as well as the markup neccessary to structure the form and control its presentation. The controls are the items in or manipulated by the user to indicate the state of the form. Form controls include text fields, password fields, multiple-line text fields, pop-up menus, scrolled lists, radio buttons, check boxes, and buttons. The most common element used to specify a form control is the &#60input&#62 element.


       <fieldset><legend>Employee Detail</legend>

           <form action="action.php">

           <label for="id">Your ID : </label>

           <input required class="input" id="id" type="number"

            placeholder="_Enter your id_"><br><br>


              <label for="name">Name  :  </label>

              <input class="input" required placeholder="Enter Name"

               id="name" type="text" class="input"


              <label for="pass">Password : <label>

              <input type="password" required class="input" id="pass"


               placeholder="__password__" ><br><br>

               <label>Choose your company</label><br>

              <input id="sci-fi" name="comp" required 

              type="radio"><label for="sci-fi"> 


              <input type="radio" required name="comp" id="act"

              > <label 


              <input required type="radio" name="comp" id="com">

               <label for="com">Fonida


              <label for="dep">Choose Your department :</label>

              <select required id="dep" size="5">

                  <option selected>select</option>

                  <option>Food dept</option>

                  <option>Element dept</option>

                  <option>Engineer dept</option>

                  <option>Logic dept</option>


              <label>Your Working : </label><br><br>

              <input required type="radio" name="work" id="home">

              <label for="home">Home</label>

              <input required type="radio" name="work" id="office">

              <label for="office">Office</label><br><br>

              <input type="submit" style="margin-left: 10%;


               2px solid grey; color: green; border-radius: 4px;"

               value="Submit" onclick="alert('Submitted.')">

              <input style="margin-left: 10%; border: 2px solid grey;

               border-radius: 4px; color: red;" type="reset"

               value="Reset Form">





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