Saturday 26 February 2022

HTML document for Table Tag


Code :

<!doctype html>



       <title>Table Tag</title>



     <h1>Tables in HTML</h1>


     A table represents information in a tabular way, like a spreadsheet: distributed across a grid of rows and colums. Web-based tables have also become a common way to create document layout and design. But unlike printed tables, HTML tables can contain information that is dynamic, or interactive, such as the results of a database query. A table is dynamically generated using the template and the results of a particular database query. Taken together, these capabilities make tables one of HTML's most useful and sophisticated resources.


     <p><b>Example :</b></p>

     <table border="1" cellpadding="10px">


           <caption>Employee data</caption>


              <th>Employee ID</th>

              <th>Name of Emplyee</th>












              <td>Tim Bernee Lee</td>





               <td>Charles Babbage</td>







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